Sunday 21 October 2012

Task 4b

Special Interest Group (SIG)

I have set up my LinkedIn account which I hope to use as a part of my SIG. I would like to use the SIG to establish and gather ideas that will further inform me about how I can use visual art to develop and enrich young people’s lives. I would like to focus my inquiry on how art can be used effectively to work with young people who have behaviour and emotional difficulties. I have experience in working with underprivileged young people in South Africa and the UK. I have seen how young people can respond positively when presented with the opportunity to express themselves creatively.  These first hand experiences have been the driving force behind my passion to work with young people within an established education setting incorporating mentoring and art. I believe that art can improve young people’s self-esteem, discipline, cultural awareness and provide them with a platform to express them. 

I would like to bring together and be part of a group that shares similar interests. I hope we can use this opportunity to share ideas and information via SKYPE, Blogs and LinkedIn.

1 comment:

  1. Do whatever it takes to connect with people - you may have to be more proactive than this and comment on people's blogs and seek them out - you are trying your ideas out with peers and this forum is important to your work. I have listed other groups on my Nebuli LinkedIn and comment comment comment to get your message out - Jo Clarke has talked about the need to find synchronocity - and remember Siemens with his concepts of connectivism! Finding the way to connect is an important skill set.
