Monday 17 December 2012

Task 6a Survey and Questionnaire Pilot

I decided to use closed questions to collect data for my questionnaires because in the past I discovered that most people found it easier and quicker to respond to this method. I have created two different types of questionnaires. The first one is targeted at adults working in education and the arts and parents/carers. The second questionnaire is tailed towards students. It is easy to understand and therefore not difficult for them to state their answers.
During my enquiry I will use both face to face and Email or web –based questionnaires. Using these different ways of conducting the surveys will allow me to collect data from a number of different people. I am aware that some people might not have access to the internet, this is especially true of the parents and students that I work with.
However, for this pilot I have uploaded the questionnaire for adults on Survey Monkey in order for me to gain, possibly fewer, but instant responses. I have also attached a copy of the questionnaire for students on this blog.      
1.    Gender (please circle)
     Male or Female
2.    Please state your year group or if you attending college full-time please state the level of your course.
3.    Please state the course you would like to attend after leaving secondary school or if you are attending college full-time, please state your current course.
4.    Have you considered art as a possible course to study in college or as a career?
Yes or No
5.    Do you think that art in school has the same value as Maths, English and Science?
Yes or No
6.    Can art improve the social, learning and emotional development of students who struggle with behaviour and learning in school?
Yes or No
7.    In school did you look forward to and enjoy art lessons when you had to produce material for course work?
Yes or No
8.    Did you enjoy doing art as part of your English lessons, Science lessons and Therapy sessions?
Yes or No
9.     Do you have any friends, family friends or relatives that study or work as an artist? For example animation designer, painter, graphic designer or sculptor. 
Yes or No
10.  Do you think that is art lessons are important in schools?
Yes or No





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